SNCO Promotion Board Mon 21 Oct 24

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Oct 092024
The following posts have become available within 2358 Cadet NCO Team 2 x Sergeant (SNCO) Applicants must meet the following criteria: Hold the rank of Corporal Completed 6 months service as a JNCO Completed Wing Drill and JNCO Courses Application forms can be found here. Applications must be completed and emailed to and no [...]
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Parading as Normal 27th September

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Sep 232024

***Important Announcement***

Contrary to the Training Program indicating that the Squadron was to be Stood Down on Friday 27th September, The Squadron will now Parade as normal, uniform for the night will be MTP/CS95.

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Bank Holiday Stand Down

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Aug 262022

All, Please be aware that the Squadron will be stood down on Monday the 29th August for the Bank Holiday.

We will return on Friday the 2nd

Fg Off K Haywood

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Sqn stand down – 13/05/2022

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May 122022

Due to Staff commitments we are unable to open the sqn this Friday (13/05/2022) and will have to stand down the Sqn.


Sorry for any inconveniences.


WO Roberton

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Returning to Face to Face training

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Jul 012021

It is with great pleasure that I am able to inform you that our unit has now been granted permission to reopen and we are in the process of making final preparations, as such I have written to all of our Cadets advising them of what happens next. After a pause that proved to be much longer than any of us expected, we are very grateful to finally get back to a new normal and working with our Cadets once again


As a key action, can all Cadets confirm their intention to return to the Squadron so that we can organise the COVID bubbles


Regarda Flt Lt Haywood

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Squadron Commanders Christmas Message

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Dec 202020


As 2020 draws to a close I would like to thank all of the Parents, Guardians & Cadets for your continued commitment and support to the Squadron, in what has been an extremely challenging year for all of us.

Nobody could have predicted the events of this year and moving our activities from face to face to a virtual platform was a huge challenge for both the RAF Air Cadet organisation and the unit staff.  I would like to personally thank my staff for their commitment and support in moving to the virtual platform and delivering a wide variety of activities and lessons throughout the year.

The Cadet NCO team have been very active in assisting the staff team to deliver activities and I would like to thank them for their support and professionalism.  They have delivered presentations and some amazing Quizzes, which have been popular with both Cadets and staff. The Cadet NCO Team have been consistent in their attendance and support of online activities throughout the year, as well as keeping up the morale and interest of the younger Cadets.

Despite the challenges posed by both the COVID-19 pandemic and our new learning environment the Cadets have continued to achieve a lot throughout the year.  We have delivered two blocks of Aviation based training that has allowed Cadets to continue to work towards their BTEC Qualifications as well as pass their Classification exams.

In addition, we have delivered presentations on Cadet activities such as Annual Camp, Flying, Gliding, Shooting and the Squadron’s own Section Commanders Course. The Squadron has also been able to deliver online Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme training as well as Fieldcraft, Drill and Uniform upkeep.

We even managed to hold a Squadron Promotion Board.  Congratulations go to Cadet Gentle who successfully passed the Promotion Board and has now been promoted to Cadet Corporal.

A number of external courses have also been made available to the Cadets including Radio and Cyber Courses.  Some of the Cadet NCOs have also been able to attend Promotion courses online as well.

My Staff have also been busy with Sergeant Bower, Sergeant Way and Pilot Officer Williams all virtually attending their Initial Courses at RAF Cranwell allowing them to become fully qualified in their rank and remove the dreaded ‘white tapes’.  In addition, staff have continued to do the necessary annual mandatory training to keep them up to date with their qualifications.

My Staff have also been busy working with the wider RAF Air Cadet organisation behind the scenes, in order to get the Squadron back to face to face training.  Given the current circumstances it is unclear as to exactly when this will be, however I will keep Parents and Cadets updated as things develop.

In closing I hope we can look forward to a better year for all in 2021 as well as a return to face to face training as a Squadron.  I would like to wish Staff, Parents, Cadets and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to a new year of Cadet activities in 2021.


Yours Sincerely

Flt Lt K Haywood

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Wing Shooting Camp 12/02/21-16/02/21

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Nov 092020

Update 15 Nov 20

Unfortunately due to none COVID related issues this camp is now cancelled.

Sgt H Bower


There is a Wing run shooting camp due to take place from 12/02/21 to 16/02/21 (COVID19 restrictions permitting) at Longmoor camp.

This is intended for cadets who have never undertaken any training or live firing on the L98A2 previously, and will provide the full course of initial weapons training on the L98A2 followed by two days of live firing.

The only pre-requisite for the camp is that cadets are sufficiently mature and physically fit to operate the weapon (e.g. no temporary injuries, broken bones, etc).

Timings and travel arrangements will be briefed closer to the time, though it is worth noting that the camp may be postponed due to COVID19.

For all those interested please email WO Roberton at:   no later than the 18th of November

-SGT Way

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Updated Training Programme

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May 262020
Good Evening, The training programme has now been updated for all activities up to the middle of July 2020. Please check either the training programme on this website or on Cadet Portal. This may change slightly throughout the coming weeks, so make sure you continue to check Cadet Portal. Events covering this period are now [...]