Stand Down Friday 31 May 24

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May 302024

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, we do not have sufficient staff coverage to run the Squadron this Friday.  Thus we have taken the decision to Stand Down the Squadron and there will be no Parade Night.

The Squadron will open as normal on Monday.



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CANCELLED – Support to CycloCross Event Sunday 23 Jan 22 – CANCELLED

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Jan 212022
Due to unforeseen circumstances we will not be able to support the CycloCross event in Ringwood this coming Sunday (23 Jan 22).  This has been notified to Cadets via Cadet Portal and on Final Parade this evening.  Please pass this information to fellow cadets if you think they may not have picked it up via [...]
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Change to Parade Night Arrangements

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Sep 032021

From Monday the 06 Sep 21 the Squadron will be changing the way it parades as we are no longer required to maintain ‘bubbles’ under RAFAC Regulations.  The main changes will be:

  • Removal of bubbles with all cadets expected to parade on both Monday and Friday evenings (although you may continue to parade on one night a week if you wish to do so, but please let us know).  This is subject to having a maximum capacity of 28 cadets within the building.
  • Cadets are now required to keep a minimum distance of 1 metre within the hut.  The use of the 1 way corridor remains in place and masks are still to be worn in the hut.

During the month of September we request that you return to wearing uniform where possible and in line with the Training Programme.  Please return uniform that no longer fits and we will try and replace it with the right size.

Initially we aim to parade in MTP/DPM moving towards the ability to parade in Blue Uniform by the end of September.  If you are unable to parade in Blue Uniform MTP/DPM will be acceptable.

The start time of 7.30 PM and end time of 9.30 PM will remain in place.  If you have any questions or queries please contact via


M Berry



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Return to Face to Face Training Starts Monday 19 Jul 21

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Jul 162021
We are pleased to announce that the Squadron will return to Face to Face training on Monday 19th July 2021. We are aware that ‘COVID 19 unlocking’ will begin on this day but as a Squadron we need to remain within the rules that have currently been set by HQ RAFAC. Due to RAFAC regulations [...]

Coronavirus Contingency Planning March 2020

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Mar 132020

Cadets and Parents/Guardians will be aware of the current Coronavirus situation within the UK. Guidance from our Headquarters is that we will continue ‘Business as Usual’ unless otherwise instructed. As a Squadron we have put measures in place along with contingency planning that will allow us to operate as normally as possible within the current situation.

Any changes to Squadron Parade Evenings or cancellations will be notified through the Squadron website and/or Cadet Portal. Whilst we will endeavour to keep the Squadron open you are reminded that the RAFAC is a volunteer organisation and the safety and well being of our Cadets and Staff will take precedence.

In the meantime please ensure that you follow government advice regarding hygiene and self-isolation here.




Officer Commanding

2358 (Ferndown) Squadron RAF Air Cadets

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Boot Camp 20-21 April 2019 Female Cover

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Apr 152019
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, we do not have overnight female cover for the Boot Camp.  This means that any female cadets attending the camp must return home on the Saturday night and return to the camp on the Sunday Morning.  We appreciate this may be inconvenient, but we encourage female cadets to coordinate transport [...]

ILM Level 2 Leadership Course

 Urgent, Wing Event  Comments Off on ILM Level 2 Leadership Course
Sep 112018
Those cadets attending the above course 28-30 Sep 18 are to send their completed forms to Parkstone Squadron at the following address: 2391 (Parkstone) Squadron 159 Herbert Avenue Parkstone BH12 4HN A reminder that these forms need to be there by 14 Sep 18 so please put them in the post 1st Class today!   [...]
May 242017

This is a little last minute however we now have female cover for our Section Commanders Exercise this weekend, so if there was any female cadets who were originally unable to attend and they would still like to please email me on.

FS(RAFAC) C Symonds

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Later Finish Tonight

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Dec 122016

Cadets are reminded that as the Squadron is exercising tonight that there will be a later finish than normal.  Cadets should be arranged to be picked up between 2145 and 2200 (9.45 and 10.00 pm).

M Berry


Training Officer

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